Principles for Discerning God’s Will Together

When we engage in the process of discerning God’s will, whether within a ministry team at church or with our own families, it’s crucial to approach it with a spirit of collective discernment. For a Christian organization, determining God’s vision involves more than just strategic planning; it’s about engaging in a spiritual discernment process. Here, we will explore ten key principles that can guide us in discerning God’s will together.

Group making a decision

Principle #1: Encourage Spiritual Growth Among Decision-Makers

The quality of the decisions made by a group is deeply influenced by the spiritual health of its members. Those who are in a growing relationship with God are more likely to hear His voice and make decisions aligned with His will. As we nurture each other’s spiritual growth, we collectively become more attuned to God’s guidance. A deeper relationship with God fosters Christ-like character, enabling us to make decisions that reflect Christ’s desires.

Principle #2: Pray Before, During, and After Decision-Making Meetings

Prayer is our lifeline to God, enhancing our ability to hear His voice. By praying before, during, and after our meetings, we open ourselves to His wisdom and guidance. Prayer not only aligns our hearts with God but also strengthens our resolve to act according to His will. As we seek God’s direction, He provides the clarity and courage needed to follow His calling.

Principle #3: Recognize That God Speaks in Many Ways

God communicates with us through various means. He may speak through Scripture, place something on our hearts during prayer, or guide us through discussions and circumstances. By remaining open to the myriad ways God can speak, we allow His still small voice to break through in unexpected and transformative ways.

Principle #4: Build Diversity Before Driving to Consensus

Groups often rush to consensus, but true discernment requires exploring diverse perspectives. Encourage all participants to share their unique insights and ideas. A free-flowing brainstorming session without immediate critique can generate a wide range of possibilities. Prayerfully discern how God might be shaping these ideas into a unified direction.

Principle #5: Hear Multiple Perspectives to Gain Greater Clarity

Scripture emphasizes the value of multiple advisers. Hearing diverse perspectives helps us understand the situation more comprehensively and develop better solutions. Employ mechanisms that allow meaningful contributions from all participants, ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard in the discernment process.

Principle #6: Guard Against Groupthink

Groupthink can stifle creativity and lead to poor decisions. Encourage the expression of ideas that challenge the group norms. Outlying ideas should not be dismissed but used to stimulate better solutions. Healthy conflict and diverse viewpoints can propel the group toward more innovative and effective outcomes.

Principle #7: Harness Conflict to Propel the Group Forward

Conflict, though often uncomfortable, can be a catalyst for growth and innovation. When navigating conflicting ideas, use the tension to explore new possibilities. Welcoming healthy conflict and using it constructively can lead to breakthroughs that might not have been achieved otherwise.

Principle #8: Embrace Complexity and Chaos

Complexity and chaos are often part of the decision-making process. Embrace these elements to understand the full scope of the issues and to see how the pieces might fit together. Integrative thinking involves dwelling in ambiguity long enough to develop creative solutions that encompass multiple perspectives.

Principle #9: Use Good Coaching Questions to Expand Awareness

Asking insightful questions can help expand awareness and stimulate new ways of thinking. Whether you’re the facilitator or a participant, use questions to guide the group toward deeper understanding and more comprehensive solutions.

Principle #10: Implement a Rigorous Process for Complex Decisions

For complex decisions, a structured process can ensure thorough and prayerful consideration of all options. One effective framework is the “Discernment Process for Making Complex Decisions,” which includes steps like identifying issues, clarifying values, analyzing alternatives, finding common ground, and assessing outcomes. This approach allows for meaningful contributions from all group members and leads to well-rounded decisions. These principles are foundational for Christian leaders seeking to discern and implement God’s vision for their organizations.