Tips for Writing Excellent Surveys

One of the most practical courses I took in grad school was an entire course on Survey Research (I know, it’s hard to believe). It was actually incredibly helpful! The insights from a well-designed survey can be pivotal in guiding an organization’s next steps. To help you create an effective survey, here are several tips […]

Person doing an online survey

The Four Disciplines of Execution for Faith-based Organizations

Many wonderful change initiatives start strong but eventually fade away, forgotten after a few years. Research on organizational change suggests that most major change initiatives fail over time. Often, the issue lies in the inability of leaders to empower and sustain broad-based action, which is necessary to embed the vision into the organization’s culture and […]

Group checking out their scoreboard, one of the four disciplines of execution

Bridging Organizational Silos

One of the biggest challenges in leadership is fostering cooperation between departments—or in a church setting, ministries. Over time, these groups can become protective of their turf, leading to competitiveness and a reluctance to collaborate. However, interoperability—the ability of various organizational departments to work together interdependently for the good of the organization—is crucial for achieving […]

work silos

Principles for Discerning God’s Will Together

When we engage in the process of discerning God’s will, whether within a ministry team at church or with our own families, it’s crucial to approach it with a spirit of collective discernment. For a Christian organization, determining God’s vision involves more than just strategic planning; it’s about engaging in a spiritual discernment process. Here, […]

Group making a decision

Why Silence and Solitude is So Important

We’ve all experienced the awkwardness of silence. Think about the silence we experience at a dinner party when the conversation falls flat or after Uncle Bob unknowingly offends another person yet again. Awkward! I don’t know too many people who appreciate the stifling silence of a long elevator ride in a half-full elevator. The commands, […]

How Jesus Discipled Others

Throughout the Gospels, we catch a glimpse of how Jesus discipled others. Jesus believed in the Twelve despite their common and for some, their sordid, background. Rabbis, at that time, would choose and train the most promising candidates – the best of the best. Jesus took a different strategy. He chose to believe that common […]

Show Jesus discipling people in the boat

Discipling Millennials for Missional Living

I must confess that I feel like an imposter writing a blog on Discipling Millennials for Missional Living. I’m not a Millennial and so everything I know about Millennials is second-hand information. Now, having said that, I did have the privilege of serving as a children’s pastor for several years to young Millennials. Of course, […]

Group of Millennials